Archive for the ‘Random Crap’ Category

Why u no luuk at globe?


Aisan Guy: “If I go over sea to Asia or Japan an stuff like that will I be able to send an receive email?”
m!Lk: “Yes”
m!Lk: “Unless they are blocking you from talking to states, China may but not 100% sure”
Aisan Guy: “Oh Thailand is not in China it is in Japan”
m!Lk: “…..”

See…Beer is good for something



Yea I peed a little….only a little.




So BigL has been telling me about this stuff called Bacon Salt. Well when he told me about it at first I started to laugh, I did not think anyone in their right mind would make such a thing. I mean this is a fat mans wet dream, bacon + salt are you joking me? Where the hell do I sign up for my heart-attack? Well today he puts this little package of Bacon Salt on my desk and no shit this stuff is real. So I went to there website to see what all they make and get this shit, they make something called Baconnaise. Yep you guessed it Bacon + Mayonnaise. Now this is a true sad moment in my life when I saw this, are we such fat asses that we really need shit that taste like bacon? I vote yes! Fuck you, Bacon is awesome!